Monday, October 22, 2007

I passed!

I finally took my real estate license exam this morning and I passed! My deadline was coming soon in November so I had to take the test now or never. After failing two practice exams I wasn't at all confident about how I'd do, but the test was easier than I expected. (And way esier than the practice tests!) I'm glad I did some last minute cramming last night, because a LOT of things I learned last night were on the test today. I guess it was worth not getting much sleep. My next step is to find a broker to sponsor me and activate my license so I can start working. I'm not sure if I should go ahead and jump in here, or wait and see if we get to move to Tyler anytime in the next few months. Then there is also the problem of finding drop-in occasional childcare for Caleb.

You can call me Mrs. Real Estate Mama now! ha

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