Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Update from Santa

So after exhausting searches, calling in for backups, hours on the internet, etc., a BIG police car was nowhere to be found (and budgeted for). So this morning I showed Caleb some pictures on the internet of a few affordable options, and explained to him that they were all pretty small, but still fun. He saw one that was a police car and police tow truck set, and he said he wanted that one.. then I suggested we go to the toy store and let him show me exactly what he wants, and then we'll write a letter to Santa (he wanted to write a letter "F", since it's the only one he knows!) and ask him for those things.

Well, in the process of walking through ToyRUs-- which, I should have known would be a huge mistake in the first place-- Caleb has changed his mind.. in fact, he changed it four times.

This is his new list:

And that "police officer" and "fire man" needed a little clarification for me to understand, and he told me he wants a REAL police officer and a REAL Fireman... hmmm. Perhaps Santa will return us a letter and tell Caleb he has made an appointment with the Fire Station and Police Station on Christmas Eve.

This is the FINAL list, because we put it in an envelope and are going to send it to Santa at the North Pole!

Also, I've heard that a few other things have been spoken for already. Carly is getting some shirts, the Cars cars are bought for Caleb, Santa is taking care of the Thomas tracks/trains, Santa is also bring Carly a helmet (a cute pink one!).

On the doll accessories, I found the perfect size and brand for the dollhouse.. It is called Loving Family by Fisher Price and they sell room sets and people sets for reasonable prices. I believe she is getting the doll house for her birthday (January 10th) so no huge hurry on the doll stuff.

I am in the process of getting more Christmas poses in front of the tree, and then Christmas cards will be the next project. I'm deep into the handmade Christmas gifts already, so just call me Santa's helper (or heck, just call me Santa!! I sure do feel like I have Santa's workshop right here in my house!)

Merry Christmas! Remember the stop and think about the baby in the manger and the REAL reason for the season.


SisterOne said...

OK, who is Madge?

Jill said...

Shepard's mommy could arrange for you guys to visit the Kilgore fire station one day. Lots of trucks! Let me know!

Unknown said...

Madge is a lady truck on Thomas.. and Caleb already HAS a Madge.. so he'll have to get over that one!